HIV and HEP. C nosodes – method, indications & cases – Dr. Rajesh Shah

This paper is based on long awaited fundamental research on HIV and Hep. C nosodes. It has been the author’s ambition to gift theses nosodes to the world from India, as not a single major nosode has been introduced to the world from India, so far.

This paper is based on scientific work by the author. In last 200 years, most things have revolutionized and improved, for instance, communication system, automobiles, filmmaking, medical knowledge, etc. However, there is one thing, which has unfortunately not evolved; that is the way homeopathic medicines are prepared, especially the Nosodes!

Why new, scientific, standardized method?

The title denotes that the current method of nosode preparation does not seem to be scientific and standardized. It is incredible that, with limited medical technology, our old masters could think of Nosodes before and simultaneous with the birth of bacteriology. However, with the better understanding of microbiology, cellular biology, immunology, pathology, technology; the nosode preparation calls for revamping.

Problems with nosode preparation:

a.    Most nosodes from infected material presumed to have specific organisms; rarely verified.
b.    Multiple organisms, etc. in most nosodes E.g. : Tuberculinum: Sputum of Tuberculosis patient or Macerated lung other bacteria, proteins, lung tissues, debris, cells, etc.; Medorhinum is not just Gonorrhea organism, etc.
c.    Never standardized in terms of quality, quantity, size, weight, nature of material, type or subtype of organism, etc.
d.    As a result, it is not possible to reproduce the same nosodes, which are described in the homeopathic materia medica.

New Method of Nosode preparation: Step by step

Step I: Identification of blood donor, positive for HIV or Hep. C; go for:
i.    Screening of patient
ii.    Written consent form as approved by EC

Step II: Ruling out co-infections:
i.    Such as HIV, Hep C, Hep B, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, ( VDRL), Tuberculosis, CMV, Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 and 2 ( HTLV), etc.
ii.    There are 18 scientific steps to complete the nosode preparation; which will be described with brief technical details and visuals.
iii.    Fundamental research work.

Discussions will include:
i.    Result of 8 years of work;
ii.    Indications of the nosodes, giving clinical symptoms and application.
iii.    Some illustrative and documented case studies.

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